SOCIAL MEDIA SQUARE - Sign Up to Airplay Connect

Airplay Connect

Airplay Connect is a safe and secure digital resource for all RAF children and young people to access and enjoy.

Airplay Connect is both an information hub for children and young people, their parents and carers, and also an online platform for Airplay digital activities.

Once you’ve registered on Airplay Connect, the secure information hub is a place to connect with Airplay Station Youth Workers, find out about Airplay club locations and times, and catch-up on news and stories of the range of activities Airplay organises. You can access on a web browser or just like an app on your phone, and even set up notifications for your Airplay project.

Airplay Digital Activities allow Station Youth Workers to reach children who might live away from RAF stations or even overseas. It is a forum to engage in fun, educational and interactive activities.

With the ever-evolving complexities of RAF communities, Airplay Connect has been developed to extend our support to young people. We want to make it as easy as possible for children in RAF families to enjoy Airplay, wherever they are based.

Register for Airplay

Why was Airplay Created

Airplay was developed by the RAF Benevolent Fund in 2010 in consultation with the RAF after a survey found that keeping young people safely occupied was a big concern for RAF families.

Young people in RAF families face unique challenges – long periods separated from at least one parent, moving around the country to new stations (often in isolated, rural locations with minimal facilities), and having to start at new schools and make new friends on a regular basis.

We recognise it’s not always easy and want to help.

Airplay is designed to address these issues by giving RAF children access to brand new facilities and a safe, stimulating programme of activities.

Also, by rolling out at all main RAF stations, children and young people will have some much-needed continuity if and when their family relocates.


YMCA is the world’s largest and oldest youth charity. 8 of the 148 independently registered YMCAs across the UK have come together to pool their expertise for the sole purpose of delivering the Airplay programme.

The very essence of Airplay continues as it always has done; delivering excellent youth work and play work activities across the RAF’s plethora of stations.

The collaboration of YMCAs builds on the outstanding track record of Airplay by exploiting digital opportunities and expanding the breadth of what the programme provides.

Register for Airplay
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Over 2,000 children & young people
Group 164 (1)
1 partnership
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23 RAF stations
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Funded by the RAF Benevolent Fund